November 26, 2024
Nehemiah 9:17
They refused to listen and failed to remember the miracles you performed among them. They became stiff-necked and in their rebellion appointed a leader in order to return to their slavery. But you are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. Therefore you did not desert them.”
Recognizing a need is only half the battle; finding the right help is the real game-changer. When a friend recommends a top-notch doctor who is taking patients, a trustworthy mechanic, a reasonable plummer, or electrician, we are so thankful.It seems that we are all on the hunt for that advice that leads us to the help we seek.
In a spiritual sense, we all need a skilled restoration specialist. In our verses today, the God's people knew this and theu depended on God to provide the forgiveness they needed. Celebrating solemn festivals was one method they used to keep their reliance on God at the forefront of their thoughts.
At these religious festivals, the people of God acknowledged their sins and their urgent need for forgiveness, and the spiritual leaders would stand in front of the people and through song direct their attention to "Elohay Selichot" which means "the God who forgives."
Their song (recorded in Nehemiah 9) details God’s faithfulness to His people. Now if you think about God's faithfulness to his people its breathtaking and maybe hard for us to comprehend. If you know the story, the Old Testament people of God had a long track record, which one commentator describes as more like a rap sheet, of being hardheaded, hard-hearted, prone to forget, and eager to rebel.
At one point, they were ready to forget God and his promises and return to a life of slavery and captivity. I think most of us if we experieced this in our relationships we would be ready to "cut ties" with the people. I believe, all things considered, God could certainly have been justified in disciplining the people, and "cutting ties" because of their and lack of gratitude and their disrespect.
I want us to notice God’s character in our passage today. Pay attention to His actions. Instead of anger, He is full of grace. He oozes with compassion and floods His chosen ones with an ocean of love. And why would the creator do this? Because He is "Elohay Selichot"; "the God who Forgives".
Maybe your life today is marked by guilt and shame. You are overcome by regret. You fear that God is going to get you. Punish you is someway. Perhaps you are waiting for the gavel to fall, and are dreading the treatment you know deep down you deserve. But Wait.
Good news! God is "Elohay Selichot". “He does not treat us as our sins deserve” (Psalm 103:10). He forgives. In Christ He has provided a way for us to be fully and finally forgiven.
I invite you to lift your eyes, and see the One whose grace is greater than all your sin.
Do not allow your own feelings of shame and guilt to blind you to God’s mercy.
God, when the shame and guilt of my actions and decisions make me want to run and hide from You, help me remember that You are slow to anger and full of compassion, and that You offer full forgiveness. Amen.
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