

 AUGUST 2, 2022

JOHN 15:5

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

I watched a while ago a California Wine producer talk about the impact of weather on his industry and livelihood. He was asked if drought results in a negative impact on his business. He explained that a grapevine is quite amazing.

“The harsher the weather, the rougher that it is treated, the better grapes it produces. Extreme weather actually forces the roots to dig deeper to get what they need to survive. The result is a healthier, more productive plant.”

As he talked about the grapevine, my mind went to the image of the grapevine in the Bible, it is a rather popular image. The verses above came to my mind, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” The words, “remain in me” seemed to jump off the page.

The grapevine and our lives have a lot in common, we all go through tough times of drought, disappointment, discouragement, and despair. The Bible’s message to us during those uncomfortably hard times is “remain in God”. We know there are verses throughout scripture that teach us that God never disappears or abandons us; even though at times, it may feel like God is nowhere to be found. Yet, in our own life experience and in that described of many characters is scripture when we look back we discern that those rough seasons, those times of drought, disappointment, and despair are the seasons that we seem to grow the most. Could it be that like a grapevine’s roots in extreme weather we too, put down deeper roots into God’s care and promises?

I believe that it is during those hard times that we are forced to dig deep and to search out the answers we need to help us live fruitful lives. Adversities produce healthier fruit and make us stronger too. What John 15:5 is saying is that (Jesus) He is the vine, and we are the branches. United in Him, we shall flourish and produce abundant fruit.

Todays Take Away is, Above all else, remain in Christ.

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